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00_img_0361.jpg (760×760 2020/11/07 16:08 176.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:00_img_0361.jpg}}

Mixing rooting soil
I mixed peat moss and my sandy garden soil in equal parts
grape, rooting, soil

02_img_0366.jpg (760×760 2020/11/07 16:09 55.3 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:02_img_0366.jpg}}

Preparing cane
I prepared canes for rooting by shaving off the outside layer just above the bottom bud, but not damaging the cambium.
grape, rooting, preparation

03_img_0364.jpg (570×760 2020/11/07 23:11 25.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:03_img_0364.jpg}}

The prepared cane
A short bit of the outer layer of the cane above the bottom bud is removed.
grape, cane, prepared, rooting

03_root_boost.jpg (475×760 2020/11/08 10:23 49.7 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:03_root_boost.jpg}}

Rooting hormone
I used this product to prepare canes to encourage them to send out roots.
grape, rooting, hormone

04_img_0368.jpg (760×515 2020/11/07 16:12 70.3 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:04_img_0368.jpg}}

All set, except for the microRizzae
After mixing the soil and putting it in pots, I had everything I needed but the microRizzae innoculant.
grape, rooting

06_img_0393.jpg (760×760 2024/01/18 16:47 179.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:06_img_0393.jpg}}

Canes in pot
I made a hole in the soil, put 1/8 teaspoon inoculant into the hole, and applied rooting hormone and inoculant to the cane.
grape, rooting, potting

08_img_0394.jpg (760×760 2020/11/07 16:15 197.6 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:08_img_0394.jpg}}

Fina step
I tamped the soil down around each cane and watered all.
grape, rooting

10_imb_0391.jpg (760×570 2020/11/07 16:16 88.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:10_imb_0391.jpg}}

Vines in waiting
Here's the collection of 6 pots holding 60 Concorde grape cuttings for rooting.
grape, rooting

20_img_0395.jpg (760×428 2020/11/07 16:18 67.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:20_img_0395.jpg}}

Canes in pots
Nestled on a heat mat set at 70 degrees, these canes are to become plants;
grape, rooting

50_img_3265.jpg (960×960 2024/01/18 16:48 126.8 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:fruit:grapes:rooting:50_img_3265.jpg}}

An old way
I rooted about 60% of 14 canes a couple of years ago using only the rooting hormone - without any preparation of the canes, again on a heat mat and trying to keep them warm.
grape, rooting