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img_0293.jpg (600×800 2015/09/30 11:41 149 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:tomatoes:blight:img_0293.jpg}}

No hope for these tomatoes
In our first experience with blight we attempted to save anything and everything possible. But blight had spread massively and we didn't salvage many tomatoes.

img_0313.jpg (800×600 2015/09/30 11:41 112.4 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:tomatoes:blight:img_0313.jpg}}

Keep the rain off
This did keep off the rain, but the extended cool cloudy weather let the blight spread to all the plants.

img_0387dw.jpg (600×800 2015/09/30 11:41 160.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:about:plants:tomatoes:blight:img_0387dw.jpg}}

A survivor
This plant resisted blight longer than any of the others, so we were prepared to trim and remove any blighted part of the plant. We managed to ripen this tomato on the plant.