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img_0459.jpg (800×600 2014/09/24 21:31 123.2 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:preserve:store:img_0459.jpg}}

Flint corn
We dried this corn in a greenhouse and store it in a humidity-controlled room. We shell it and grind it for fresh corn meal.

img_0513dw.jpg (800×600 2014/09/24 21:33 187.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:preserve:store:img_0513dw.jpg}}

Dried beans
These pinto beans are easy to keep in jars in the house for cooking throughout the year.

img_0750_2308515dw.jpg (800×600 2014/09/24 13:21 60 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:preserve:store:img_0750_2308515dw.jpg}}

Root cellar
Here's the partition that encloses our root cellar, which is in the crawl space of our house.

img_0800_2308517dw.jpg (800×480 2014/09/24 13:23 55.4 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:preserve:store:img_0800_2308517dw.jpg}}

Root Cellar
Here are squash and potatoes we had from our 2012 season. I'm still hoping to build shelves for more storage.

img_2032.jpg (800×800 2015/10/07 11:19 148.6 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:preserve:store:img_2032.jpg}}

Onions in the root cellar
In 2015 we had a good crop of onions: Ailsa Craig, Newburg, Stuttgarter Riesen and Ed's Red shallots. Good storage here in the root cellar

img_2090.jpg (800×800 2015/10/07 11:04 118.9 KB) View original file Media Manager
Use the following syntax to reference this file: {{:garden:preserve:store:img_2090.jpg}}

Root cellar - potatoes
2015 was a good year for potatoes, German Butterball and Red Norland. We had less predation by grubs that previous years.