Dust mulch

I create a dust mulch perimeter around my gardenI create a dust mulch perimeter around my garden. This is a 1-2“ layer of disturbed soil (not packed down or watered). Generally, I use a diamond hoe to accomplish three different objectives in one pass:

  1. Clear out weeds
  2. Break the capillary action in the soil that would bring water up to the surface to evaporate (retaining moisture)
  3. Make a rough surface that slugs (sometimes) don't care to cross

This technique from dry-land farming works fine here in the Pacific Northwest, especially during our long, rain-free summer months. The combination of the dust mulch, extra spacing between plants and removing weeds reduces the frequency of watering.

Of course, when I do water or the unusual rain comes, I compact the soil and restore the capillary action, so when the soil dries I return to rough it up again - and to take out the pesky weeds that have sprouted - restoring the dust mulch.