Table of Contents

Green manure

There is a long list of the beneficial functions of green manure cover crops. The ones I have sought are:

What I have planted

In 2013 I planted:


The challenge of planting cover crops where the area is to be used for growing the following season is timing:

So significant factors in choosing a cover crop are how late in the Fall it can germinate and how long it occupies the area before it can be terminated effectively. These are in addition to serving a purpose of providing nutrients an organic matter.

We do leave about one-third of our garden in summer cover each year, which adds to the complexity of managing the remainder.

For 2015

My choices for the 2014-2015 Winter season are:

I searched for a good cover crop for the heavy clay soil at one garden and wasn't pleased with the choices I had available. I settled on the Gardenway winter mix, the third in the list above. I'm hoping that a few of the varieties, probably winter peas and cereal rye, come close to surviving and thriving. The peas need a pole to climb on. I had no luck with vetch in the heavy soil last year and there's so little crimson clover that it won't have any effect if it services. So I did my best to plant early and then crossed my fingers. I found this at the local Grange Supply so I didn't need to wait for shipment from Oregon.