Table of Contents

Operational Overview

The Microset II operates in one of nine modes. In each mode, the Microset II displays data and has operational features uniquew to that mode. Operating modes are listed at Table 3 and Table 4.

Review the different Microset II modes and determine which one is best for your application. Then use DDC in the VLC to set BVs 64, 65, 80 and 81 according to Table 4.

All Microset II operating logic executes in VLC DDC. BACtalk data displays can directly reference edata points in the VLC reserved for Microset II operation. This offers the system operator flexibility and ease of use: with a mouse click, the system operator can control Microset II operations.

Hotel mode and office mode

BV81 sets hotel and office modes (BV81 On = hotel). The primary difference etween hotel and office modes is the function of the after-hours timer as comopared to the function of the housekeeping timer. See “After-hours override opreration” and Housekeeping override operation.“ Other operational details vary as well (see "Operating mode specifics").

Fan-control and no-fan-control modes

BV80 sets fan control mode (BV80 On = fan-control mode).

In fan-control modes, the occupant can select fan speed at the Microset II. Fan-control modes are typically used in fan coil, air conditioning or unit ventilator applications.

Cooling and heating setpoint calculation

The Microset II calculates current heating and cooling setpoints (AV99 and AV100) using different logic in occupied and unoccupied modes (as read from BV67). Using the current setpoints (AV99 and AV100) in control DDC is most efficient because the VLC automatically calculates these setpoints according to the operating status of the Microset II.

Occupied setpoint BV67 On)

Current cooling setpoint (AV99) = occupant-selected space temperature setpoint1) (AV90 + cooling offset (AV93 + demand offset (AV106).

Current heating setpoint (AV100) = occupant-selected space temperature setpoint2) (AV90 - heating offset (AV94 - demand offset (AV106).

Occupied setpoint BV67 Off)

Current cooling setpoint (AV99) = unoccupied cooling setpoint (AV95).

Current heating setpoint (AV100 = unoccupied heating setpoint (AV96).

1) , 2)
The system’s setpoint high limit (AV-91) and setpoint low limit (AV-92) limit this value.